SEIDEN & SCHEIN, P.C. is one of New York’s top law firms, providing skillful representation in the development, buying, selling, leasing and financing of real estate.

The Rockwell Condominium

The Rockwell Condominium: 218 West 103rd Street, New York The firm drafted and filed the offering plan for this 81 residential unit building with 16 storage units and 1 retail unit.  Other services included drafting the declaration of condominium, and meticulously reviewing and commenting on the tax lot drawings. We manage all aspects of the

Front of Building and trees

The Rowan Condominium

The Rowan Condominium: 21-21 31st Street, Astoria, New York This 46-residential unit building with deeded storage units, a parking unit and two retail units in Astoria features lots of outdoor space and has become a model for other multiple dwellings in Queens.  The firm drafted and filed an offering plan, created a homeowners association, and

Building and street

The Joinery Condominium

The Joinery Condominium: 225 East 138th Street, Bronx, New York The Joinery is the first ground up luxury condominium in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx.  It is a mixed use, 7 story condominium which is nearing completion and is presently being marketed.  The project contains 47 residential and 2 retail units, a roof deck

The 215 West 28th Street Condominium

The 215 West 28th Street Condominium: 215 West 28th Street, New York This development includes two buildings that are physically combined below ground level and share residential amenities, but otherwise function independently.  215 West 28th Street is a mixed-use condominium and 225 West 28th Street is a mixed-use rental. Condominium-related legal services for 215 West

Front of Building and cars

The Fountains

The Fountains: 911 Erskine Sreet and 11629 Seaview Avenue, Brooklyn, New York A new development in East New York designed for occupancy by low-income residents, including adults with developmental disabilities. The project consists of a condominium building with 267 residential rental apartments, a commercial unit and parking, and a rental building with 65 residential rental

Building and water

The Greenpoint Condominium

The Greenpoint Condominium: 21 India Street Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York A 39-story building on the Greenpoint waterfront consisting of 95 residential condominium units, 368 rental apartments, parking, retail and community facility space, which is presently under construction. The Firm prepared a condominium offering plan and a 421-a real estate tax exemption application, drafted an Inclusionary

Building and facade

St. Luke’s School

St. Luke’s School Condominium A ground lease condominium in Greenwich Village consisting of an independent school which entered into a long-term ground lease with the fee owner of the property. The Firm obtained a “No-Action Letter” from the NYS Attorney General’s Office, drafted and negotiated the condominium documents with the fee owner of the property

Building, facade and trees

601 Heck Street

601 Heck Street, Asbury Park, New Jersey “The Monroe Condominium” A 34-unit luxury condominium in the Asbury Park, New Jersey waterfront district which is presently under construction and is being marketed. The Firm prepared a New York Supplement to the New Jersey Public Offering Statement and is consulting on sales and marketing procedures applicable to

Front of Building trees and street

500 Waverly Avenue

500 Waverly Avenue, Brooklyn“The 500 Waverly Condominium” A 48-unit mixed market rate and inclusionary housing condominium in Fort Greene which is nearing completion and is being marketed. The Firm prepared a condominium offering plan, consulted on the 421 -a real estate tax exemption and the HPD Regulatory Agreement for the inclusionary housing units and is

Building Facade and street

435 East 13th Street

435 East 13th Street, Manhattan – “The 435 East 13th Street Condominium” A commercial condominium in Manhattan with 91 market-rate residential rental apartments, 23 rent-restricted affordable residential rental apartments and a commercial unit, which is presently under construction. The construction of the affordable component of the building is being funded partially by income tax-exempt bonds