Shaping the NYC Skyline
Join Brenda and David as they recap their experience at the Annual New York State Affordable Housing Conference, including the solutions and strategies presented by government and other real estate professionals to try and ease the City’s housing shortage.
In this episode, you will learn about the:
- City’s views on the affordable housing crisis and the various methods that need to be employed to resolve it.
- Arguments made by the City to convince the State of the critical nature of the 421-a real estate tax exemption.
- The essential role that private real estate developers play in creating affordable housing in high-income areas, which cannot be accomplished by government-subsidized projects alone.
- The groundwork that the City is laying down to make it easier for real estate developers to build in NYC.
- How the City intends to address the bureaucratic processes that delay eligible tenants from occupying affordable housing units.
“Reducing red tape and making it easier for developers to build is crucial in solving the affordable housing crisis.”
– David Shamshovich
Connect with David and Brenda here:
- website- http://www.seidenschein.com/
- LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/linkedin.com/seiden-&-schein-p-c-/
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- YouTube- Coming Soon
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